Gaudi Bases / 70€

Suitable for: Stickers and Usual figures.

Available colors: White, Black and Red.

1 Set, 12 bases. Material Base: PVC


The TOTAL BASE concept

Enjoy. The verb simplifies any explanation.

From the design, material, manufacturing and finishing procces all this focused so that these bases offer you all the possibilities and styles of game during the same match (Defensive, Attacking, Slow and Fast), keeping all the skills of the base (in slow and fast pitches):

– Turn Flick at all distances,

– Stability and Rectitude in movements,

– Control at all distances,

– Pass at all distances,

– Shoot at all distances

All, with easy execution. PURE KICK FLICK.

Every movement that you imagine, Gaudi is capable.

2 versions with all this qualities but add one more spirit:

– Control: Gaudi C

– Atack: Gaudi K

The REVOLUTION in your hands

CC2 Standard + Decals CCCP / 60€

Base PVC+ 15 Figures CCCP Decals

Bibase C5 Balanced / 60€

Base Plexi + Top PVC

Tribase C3-5 Balanced / 80€

Base PVC+ Middle PVC + Top Plexi

Tribase C3-5 Balanced / 80€

Base Plexi+ Middle PVC + Top Plexi

Tribase C3-5 Balanced / 90€

Base PVC+ Middle PVC + Top Plexi

Tribase C3-5 Balanced / 100€

Base PVC+ Middle PVC + Top Plexi

Tribase C3-5 Balanced / 110€

Base PVC+ Middle PVC + Top PVC

Figures 2K4 + Decals Malaga

Tribase C3 Balanced / 60€

Base PVC+ Middle PVC + Top PVC

Tribase C3 Balanced / 80€

Base PVC+ Middle PVC + Top Plexi

Tribase C3 Balanced / 80€

Base PVC + Middle PVC + Top PVC

Tribase C3 Balanced / 80€

Base PVC+ Middle PVC + Top PVC

Tribase C3 Balanced / 90€

Base PVC+ Middle POM + Top POM